Girls' Night Out Male Strippers & Activities

1-hour show

Starting at $199

Price per Bad Boy

  • Bad Boy strippers will entertain your group
  • You can book a party bus for your night out
  • We can help you plan a fun itinerary
  • Bad Boys work off tips

GNO Ladies! Girls, it is time to go out with your besties. It has been far too long since everyone was hanging together and having fun. The time is now to plan a girls' night out. Bad Boy Strip has GNO packages and activities just for you.

Day Time Activities

We can accomplish almost anything at Bad Boy Strip. Give us a call now to have us plan a fun day trip for you.

Nighttime Activities

We have more ideas and plans when you call Bad Boys now. We love entertaining you with our Bad Boy Strip custom packages.

Bad Boy Strip’s Girl Night Out will be a time you will talk about for years to come. Enjoy Ladies.

You only do this once. Do it right

The Ultimate Bachelorette Party Experience